Saturday, September 23, 2006

Snowy Morning

These were taken near my house one quiet snowy morning back in January 2005 (Denville, New Jersey). After my kids went to school, I bundled up & headed out to the creek near our neighborhood. The snow had stopped, and the air was just so peaceful and quiet....

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My Monarch Butterfly

I have these pink flowering plant in my back yard that attracts butterflies. Every summer we see monarch butterflies visiting this particular plant. Even though I've seen it so many times, I'm still impressed by how beautiful these butterflies are.

Well, after reading Dr. Wayne Dyer's new book "Inspiration", I'm even more fascinated and impressed by these amazing creatures. Dr. Dyer talked about how the monarch butterflies are born in Brazil and somehow they remember how to migrate thousands of miles and then return to the exact same branch where they were born. He also talked about his own "in-spirit" encounter with a monarch butterfly that he was convinced to be his old friend Jack who loved the monarch. The butterfly stayed with him for hours and he even took a picture with the butterfly on his hand (the photo on his book cover). I wrote an article about this on my other blog called "Living an Inspired Life".

I couldn't get my monarch butterfly to pose WITH me, like Dr. Wayne Dyer did, but I did manage to get some good shots of it. Here are some of the pictures I took.